Planning Applications
Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. Town & Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. The Town or Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.
Two storey extension to the rear of the house.
2 Pasture Lane
NG32 1RF
Use of property as Use Class C2 Residential Care Home for one child/young person, supported by 2no. non-resident carers at all times
Clare Cottage
12 Main Street
NG32 1RW
Removal of one Sycamore tree.
Belvoir Castle
NG32 1PE
Change of use of land for the siting of lodges and static caravans for holiday use.
Land Adjacent Keepers Lodge
Denton Lane
Change of use of an existing dwelling (Use Class C3) to a childrens therapeutic residential care home (Use Class C2) for a maximum of 3 no. children (with associated accommodation for carers)
Belvoir Farm
Woolsthorpe Road
NG13 0GN
Detached 4 bedroom dwelling with garage and parking
Chapel Lane House
15 Chapel Lane
Croxton Kerrial
NG32 1PU